Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Originally Posted by curdog4570
Since your reading comprehension is on par with your people skills, I’ll make this as simple as possible...

1. The Constitution does NOT protect the POTUS from being investigated.

2. IF wrongdoing on the part of the POTUS is found as a result of an investigation, the proof is given to Congress and they determine if impeachment proceedings should be initiated. If the D team gets control of the House, you can bet Trump will be impeached, no matter what Mueller finds. The R Senate will not convict.

3. It was the threat of impeachment, and conviction, FOR OBSTRUCTION, that caused Nixon to resign.

What we are watching now is a dog and pony show which is not likely to result in impeachment, but the script for the show was written by Nixon and Bill Clinton.

You would like to be viewed as knowledgeable by members of this forum but your arrogance branded you as a Lightweight as soon as you joined.

Nixon resigned because he lost the people.

His approval numbers were really, really bad.

Trump's, so far aren't. In fact nothing the lyin' media has been able to say about him has budged his approval numbers.

Therein lies the difference.

Nixon resigned because Republican Senators told him there were enough Senate votes to impeach him if he didn’t resign. The primary reason for the loss of Congressional support was because he directed his AG to fire the Prosecutor investigating him. Sound familiar?

I’ve posted countless times on this forum that I don’t believe Trump will be impeached. In fact, I don’t think the Dems even want him impeached.... they just make noise to fire up their base. They would hate to run against Pence if the economy stays strong.

It is phenomenal that so many otherwise clear thinking individuals go blind when a Trumps name is mentioned, but I keep trying.

Never holler whoa or look back in a tight place