Just to be clear, I'm not a MT resident, I live in ND. I have drawn 14 NR big-game general combo tags in MT since 2001 though. I guess I've always thought that drawing the tag didn't entitle me to anything, nor have I ever thought that my opinions or wishes are of any value to the folks who ultimately make the hunting regs in MT.

I've always considered drawing any tag or buying any license outside of my home in ND more of an invite or extension of the privilege to hunt/fish within the bounds of how the residents and their state's/province's Game and Fish, DNR, FWP, etc, etc, etc, have decided things need work. I'm just a guest and guests IMO don't get to make rules or demands. As a guest, my goal is that for the most part, you'll never even know I was there other than maybe a rib-cage and spinal column left behind somewhere that it's not a disturbance.

I guess as I see it, the only choice or voice I have as a non-resident hunter/fisherman is whether or not to buy/apply for a license.

Neither price disparity nor time constraints of travel/vacation entitle anyone to Jack-Diddly Squat IMO.

I can walk on water.......................but I do stagger a bit on alcohol.