Originally Posted by pete53
close a mountain area of 50 square miles for 20 years,clean up the rancher`s cow mess`s 1st year, replant those mountains, fix the muddy streams ruined by cows then do 20 years no cows then do this study. the s cow/elk study these Montana biologist did is wrong way> do it like I said no cows for 20 years in mountains 50 sq. miles then show me the stats. your study sounds like RMEF study for the ranchers,guides and big money people with political influence to benefit themselves again,yes and they control Montana fish,game and parks who make the lease agreements in the mountains for cows and cover up any cow problems in the mountains and then give out elk control permits on private property . I got some real nice swamp land for sale too if you believe that crap .

I suppose it would be too much to ask that you have any idea what you are talking about before posting?

I'm embarrassed that I've actually tried to respond reasonably in this thread rather than just calling it what it is. Forget the factual shortcomings such as the original premise that a shoulder season hunt ruined a bow hunt (different seasons), or the fact that shoulder seasons exist only on private land where you cannot apparently hunt, or ignore this new absurd idea that MT FWP regulates grazing on Federal lands. You cannot hunt and you blame it on every one else. Look no further than the mirror to find your problems. Sure, we had a tough bow season; the rut was weird and less predictable than usual. I blame the full moon that occurred at peak of rut. Yet many people still arrowed bulls while you could not. We shot elk in wilderness that is leased NF land in rifle season, but you could not. You sit and whine, blaming others for what you could not accomplish. The fact is many of us kill elk on public land every year and you cannot. If private land was made available to every goon it would get pressured just like current public land and you would not be able to kill elk there either. If elk numbers were 50% higher you probably still couldn't kill elk because 2x0 is still 0. And your failure is the root of this whole thread, right? If you had stumbled upon an unfortunate critter none of us would have been subjected to this nonsense.

By the way, why did you buy swamp land? Did you buy from ignorance, like a MT elk tag, and just assume it would work itself out?