Originally Posted by pete53
Originally Posted by saddlesore
Many of these grazing leases go back 4-5 generations. Here in Colorado before when elk numbers tumbled to near zero the elk hunting was banned for many years. 25 elk were captured in Yellowstone and let loose in Colorado. Funny how even with the same grazing leases still around, elk have rebounded to 250,000 + in Colorado.Who would have thought?

yes and don`t forget every year Farmers and Ranchers got their government checks in the mail too for a lot of different things,does the working public ever get anything except more taxes ? I have never understood set aside land and the government will pay you for doing nothing ,well us regular working people want to set aside Fridays so other people can have a job too ,will the government send us a check too ? bet not ! but that rancher who gets our tax money for his share from the government says no you can`t walk across my land to the public land no way,then says those elk are eating my rancher grass give me some cheap permits and myself ,family and friends will shoot a bunch for a freezers and sure glad my cows got fat off public again ,oh what a deal . and America just turns there heads thinks that's fine poor ranchers in their new 4x4 diesel truck ! REALLY ? and that's why Farmers ,ranchers and welfare vote for a democrat / liberal free stuff !

Did they let you out of the 3rd grade early today??