If you lived in an Alaskan Village and went 'camping' for those 6 months, you would be a fairly normal 'Bush'.
Having gatherd 80% of what you eat, would make you sort of 'average', though that cant be done in one season if you support as family.
Alot of people in bush Ak have houses and camp here and there , hunting/fishing/gathering, depending on their transportation, what they want to get as food and where that food is relative to them.
A lot of people in villages dont have to camp out anymore due to the high rate of speed a boat or snowmachine, most can sleep at home. Some of us just make it a full time 'job', and since we live in the middle of a very large Caribou migration route, its easy to choose and still succeed, stay in the village or got out and have a good time.
Aswell, the folks on the show were doing this before there was a show , except Heimo and Edna on Nat Geos 'Braving AK', and that was them living there full time.

What would be fake would be saying they lived out there full time or such, when they dont.

''Folks that can actually fhuqking shoot,KNOW that everything will work. Folks who don't,contrive reasons why NOTHING does work.''
Big Stick