Originally Posted by BuzzH
Originally Posted by rockinbbar
Originally Posted by BuzzH
The one thing for certain, is that even though you think that public land transfer, which is part of the RNC platform, is not an issue...there is no doubt it is. That issue will continue to sway elections across the West. Those that think its "fake" are going to be on the losing end of a lot of elections. Count on it.

Other than a few, sparse mentions of the land issue which are really not that popular among republicans, I don't really see that it's an RNC platform, as you say.

I do see plenty of liberal fearmongering from the likes of you though.

Nacy Pelosi would be proud.

Put on the readers old timer...

“Congress shall immediately pass universal legislation providing for a timely and orderly mechanism requiring the federal government to convey certain federally controlled public lands to states. We call upon all national and state leaders and representatives to exert their utmost power and influence to urge the transfer of those lands, identified in the review process, to all willing states for the benefit of the states and the nation as a whole. The residents of state and local communities know best how to protect the land where they work and live.”

Could you be more specific as to where this quote came form and what "certain federally controlled lands" are that would be conveyed to the states by the feds?

“Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.”
― G. Orwell

"Why can't men kill big game with the same cartridges women and kids use?"
_Eileen Clarke

"Unjust authority confers no obligation of obedience."
- Alexander Hamilton