Originally Posted by ribka

Timber companies are evil. Have heard that one before at a BHA meeting

Originally Posted by SHILLBLASTER
Originally Posted by Dave_Skinner
Oh, right, the anonymous "Shillblaster" comes out of nowhere, makes a post as a virgin and then crawls back into the BHA woodwork. You sure you want to revive this thread, sweetness?

You like to tout "following the money," and then make wild assumptions/accusations about people's intentions then politicize everything into left vs. right. I looked into you, working for a timber company front, pretending its not about the money. You might be able to hide from the "confirmation bias" crowd, but not from critical thinkers.

Never said they were, but they obviously have a vested interest in land transfer for logging purposes. You have made up your mind because you cant see beyond partisan lines, and promote "what if" fear monngering...sad