No. In fact, I would say by definition a rifle loony isn't primarily concerned with practicality, except in the very basic sense that a chosen rifle, cartridge and bullet should kill game.

But that's pretty much a given with the vast majority of rifles, cartridges and bullets these days. You have to try pretty hard to find something unsuitable for taking deer, or even elk.

Instead rifle loonies look more for other stuff, such as the right color stock (whether wood or synthetic), a feeling of self-worth for being such a fine judge of appropriate rifles, and however they define panache.

Interestingly, most dictionaries define panache as flamboyant confidence, or verve or dash in action. This is because the historical meaning was a plume of feathers worn on a headress, hat or helmet. But quite a few loonies seem to think it means conservative style.

“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.”
John Steinbeck