Originally Posted by ElkSlayer91
Yes, he’s sold us out. This country is under a relentless invasion, and has been for decades, and he has the authority to put our armed military on the border with orders to shoot to kill, but he doesn’t have the balls.

His first responsibility is to DEFEND this nation from our enemy. Illegal invaders who are allowed to steal money from every citizen through the tax system for their housing, healthcare and schooling is our enemy, and not stopping this, when he has the full authority to do so, is treason.

Allowing this invasion to continue, with the ultimate result being the collapse of the economy through the Cloward-Piven Strategy to overwhelm the social welfare system to bankrupt the country is TREASON.

You people mark my words here, he is ramping up with this crap talk, again, about “take the guns first” and “raise the number of immigrants”, and whatever else will come, to throw the election to the Communists, just like he attempted in the first place for the Clintons, but it didn’t work, because it backfired on him. The trash talk Donald spewed on the campaign trail was what every American has been thinking and talking in person and on the internet, and it lit a fire, because citizens thought someone with balls had finally arrived to save America, and would finally actually represent the every day citizen, instead of the elite.

Balanced budget by 2034…..what a joke. That’s your “businessman”. The country is on course presently to financially collapse in 4-6 years under the 20% cost of our budget of medicare.

The country is set to go bankrupt from Medicare costs during the next presidential cycle, whoever is in there, and Trump has been told this, and in a recent article, he acknowledged this when confronted, and said, “I’ll be gone”. The math does not lie. 20% of our budget is Medicare when in the past for decades it was only 4% of budget, which was affordable.

The Sherman Anti-trust Act is black letter law on the books, and has been for over 100 years to deal with the Collusion, Corruption, Monopoly, Price fixing that is going on in the Insurance, Hospital systems, and doctors unchecked.

There is no law that needs to be passed to solve the problem that will destroy the country. The law has been there for over 100 years, and all the Congress TRAITORS know it, but won’t do anything, because they will lose their job to fix it, because it will cause a recession for a short period to allow things to work through the system.

Trump said he’d fix it, AND HE LIED.

Not one single attempt, while they held both houses, to solve the most dire and crucial issue that will save the nation from total financial collapse.

The whole of congress and the executive are all traitors, along with the military for allowing this to continue when they all know the end result.


There is your honesty.

There is your businessman.

There is your newest narcissist.

And soon, there goes the country off the cliff into a new dark age that will last for decades when it collapses the whole world economy, and a tyrant will suspend the Constitution to take total control…just like it has happened throughout history.

People will spend time in hundreds of forums on the internet debating if we do @#%$#, but the deep state will continue to go about their business destroying the nation, while the people’s voices fall on the deaf ears of those who swore to uphold the Constitution.

Guns, Guts, and Gardening is the only thing that will save you when it all collapses.

Remember, math does not lie, and the 20% comes straight from the government’s numbers.

Lastly...here's another wake-up call for you...Every so-called nationally syndicated conservative radio talk show host,and major blogger, doesn't touch the topic......What does that tell you?.......THEY ARE ALL FAKES LOADING THEIR BANK ACCOUNTS WHILE THE GETTIN' IS GOOD.

Put your tin foil hat back on and Pour a glass of STFU

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