The sad fact is that Trump nor anyone else can do it all by himself. Sure he can issue executive orders all he wants but making them stick is another thing altogether. Take the birthright citizenship thing. If he issues that it will flop around in the courts being over turned until it gets to the supreme court. Does anyone think that Roberts will go right on that or even Kavanaugh. I can assure you the other liberals on the court will codify it and we'll be stuck with it.

We need more than just both houses. We desperately need to be rid on McConnell and Cornyn in the senate. We need to have the other RINOS replaced and have a senate that will unapologetically take charge and aback Trump. We need to be rid of the RINOS in the house and have a true conservative majority that will actually confront the major issues confronting America. A majority of programs, some from as far back as FDR must be abandoned and budgets passed instead of resolutions that just add to the spending madness.

Sure it's easy to hit Trump for what hasn't been done but just how can it get done without even republican support? You sure won't get any sympathy from the liberal ultra left media!!