This guy has a different take.

Catholic Cardinal Slams Mass Migration As 'New Form of Slavery'

Warning that in places like Europe that mass migration will have irreversible consequences for the Church and culture, Cardinal Sarah said, "All migrants who arrive in Europe are penniless, without work, without dignity...This is what the Church wants?...The Church can not cooperate with this new form of slavery that has become mass migration. If the West continues in this fatal way, there is a great risk that, due to a lack of birth, it will disappear, invaded by foreigners, just as Rome has been invaded by barbarians.”

As Fox notes, he told a French media outlet that for example..."Poland, a Catholic country that has strict immigration policies, and said he had urged it not to sacrifice its Polish and Catholic identities 'on the altar of a technocratic and stateless Europe.'

[Linked Image from]