Originally Posted by nighthawk
Was a nice post but so factually wrong on Catholic doctrine I wouldn't know where to begin. The argument is fine but get your facts straight. I wasn't trying to defend the idea of a pope, lots of people can do it better, so much as to point out those mistakes. Believe what you will, but base your belief on accurate information. Not on myth fed to you by someone trying to convince you to follow them. (My favorite is that Catholics worship statues, always gives me a laugh.)

It's all out there, there are no Catholic secrets.

I have no problem with a denomination of Christianity having a religious hierarchy and pampered leadership...I have a real problem when that arsehole attempts to interfere with the way I live my life...it seems every time this çunt opens his mouth he wants me and mine to give something up so that some other turd can have more.

Here is a suggestion, if the prick wants others to have more then how about he and his ilk do with less and keep their fingers out of what is mine.

These are my opinions, feel free to disagree.