Originally Posted by exbiologist
Originally Posted by JCMCUBIC
Originally Posted by exbiologist

Originally Posted by StoneCutter
This is a really interesting thread.

I know nothing about goats. What is a pastern?

It’s like the joint below the dewclaw above the hoof. The dewclaw is almost hitting the ground now

It's common to get leg/hip/pastern injuries if one has been beat on. Often the attacker(s) will catch the back leg of the attacked between their horns and lift/twist/ram. I've seen legs broken. It's more likely to happen with the "tighter" more upright horns like your goats have with little space between them. The wider and more open kiko horns make it less of a problem.

Any thought as to how to heal the pasterns or would he be a lost cause to you?

Sorry, just saw this. Our focus is MUCH different than yours so I really can't say. For us, as long as the animal's not in pain or debilitated badly we've let time heal things up. We separate one if it's injured enough that it's going to be picked on but try to keep it with a younger female that (hopefully) won't beat on it.

Again, I can't give much advise on healing aside from keeping them separate so they have time to heal. We've had several goats over the years injured that have made it but carried a limp....still have two now...and they're good producers and don't seem to be in pain....but again our use is much different than packing.