I took my goats up this past weekend for their first overnight back pack trip. We went up to set trail cameras to prepare for elk season. We are at the top of the continental divide around 11,400 ft elevation we did 10+ miles on Saturday and the goats were amazing I could not have asked for them to behave any better. I worried about them Friday night as they have never been just tied up overnight. I slept in a tent next to them and kept one eye on the. All night. I didn’t get much sleep. We left our tents about 4:00 am so we could get back to an outlook by sun up. We set a couple trail cameras along the way. Saturday night we sat up on a different overlook and watched about 12 cows and calves with 1 bull until dark we ended up just posting up there for the night. We ended up around 14 miles for the trip and the goats Never gave us any trouble. But they were super tired when we were done. I let them rest for a couple days and then I handed them on Wednesday. They were roughly 3.5 months old and a little on the large side to band but we got it done. Over all we had a great trip last weekend. I would like to post pictures but not sure how to.