Originally Posted by xxclaro
Originally Posted by Robert_White

Evidently the materialists are having a hard time keeping their fairy tales straight!

And you have the real story, instead of fairy tales, I take it? Care to tell us of your scientific studies and conclusions?

The real story is in Genesis. You should read it. You read it and tell me what it says about the age of the earth.

Further, you should understand.... and maybe you do, the Bible is about God and Man....it is not, nor intended to be an primer on astrophysics and origins of the universe. The Bible is about something much more important and much relevant than the origin of the universe.

But, if you don’t get it, well the, you don’t get it.... at least not yet......Keep after it.

The tax collector said: “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Jesus said he went home “justified.”