Originally Posted by Cariboujack
If I had it to do over again, I'd do something along those lines. First I'd consider joining the military and get trained in working on planes, electronics, or diesel mechanics, those guys pull down some coin. Also cross train in the medical field, either nursing, (never out of a job) or some specialty, like anesthesiologist, or xray technician, there's a lot of good jobs. Get trained in the military. Spend 20 years in, retire, start over with a new job, and retire again.

Military now is not the older form of military. It is super hard on the body. We have had several fellers in their early 40s die of heart attacks and a lot of that has to do with anxiety and combat stress. I support the military entirely and wish I could have served but the toll on the body and mind that it presently asks is more than considerable.