I agree, 90% of my hunts are backpack hunts and use ultralight gear but I'm don't using scopes that don't function correctly, I'll save weight elsewhere.
Originally Posted by Wrongside
Originally Posted by SU35
8 oz isn't going to make a difference.

A mountain or backpack hunter can tell the difference.

Fantastic scopes though!

As someone who backpack hunts the mountains and foothills of Alberta almost exclusively, I agree. I know my rifle is heavier w/ the LRHS on top, vs my old 6x36. I'm a fairly extreme ounce counter in almost every area of my gear, but some weight is still worth carrying IMO. I've cut weight in almost every area of gear over the years, but went back and added weight in sleep system & rifle optics. The few extra ounces of my LRHS are well worth it, for the massive increase in repeatability, durability and precision. IME.