Originally Posted by Jordan Smith
Originally Posted by Wrongside
Originally Posted by SU35
8 oz isn't going to make a difference.

A mountain or backpack hunter can tell the difference.

Fantastic scopes though!

As someone who backpack hunts the mountains and foothills of Alberta almost exclusively, I agree. I know my rifle is heavier w/ the LRHS on top, vs my old 6x36. I'm a fairly extreme ounce counter in almost every area of my gear, but some weight is still worth carrying IMO. I've cut weight in almost every area of gear over the years, but went back and added weight in sleep system & rifle optics. The few extra ounces of my LRHS are well worth it, for the massive increase in repeatability, durability and precision. IME.


Years ago I decided that a reliable scope was the last thing I wanted to compromise on because of a few ounces. My rifle/scope is the one piece of gear that must work in order for me to be successful. I have suffered through cold nights when my sleep system was a little skimpy in an effort to save weight, I have used sub-optimal optics because of budget restrictions, and I could probably even get the meat off the animal somehow if I lost my knife down a crevice. But I can't come home with a ram or a bull if my rifle/scope doesn't work right. The idea of a botched shot and lost opportunity because my scope lost zero is unacceptable to me. After investing so much time, money, and energy to get an opportunity at a ram or a big bull in the back country, as much as possible I'm going to mitigate the risk of my scope not hitting where it should when the moment of truth comes. I'll leave a Snickers bar at home or carry a lighter rifle before I'll save a couple of ounces on my scope by reducing reliability.

Thanks you guys for summarizing what it took me many years and mucho $$$ and a ton of frustration to learn.

Once you learn to whom you should actually pay attention this board becomes a goldminegrin

mike r

Don't wish it were easier
Wish you were better

Stab them in the taint, you can't put a tourniquet on that.
Craig Douglas ECQC