Originally Posted by Scott_Thornley
Originally Posted by irfubar
Originally Posted by Scott_Thornley

Yes, with all the extraordinary actions take to reduce social contact, Covid-19 may kill about as many people this year as in a typical flu year.

But if the USA hadn't taken these actions - would a jump from 60k to 200k deaths be all that unlikely? Not really. Just move the peak about a month later and you'd get those 200k deaths.

Which is what you and Fubarski are demanding happen, in order to feel like the restrictions were worthwhile.

Originally Posted by add
I think Fubarski will end up being more prescient on his numbers with this virus than many of the "experts", methodology aside. grin

I hope he is.

Because that means that the situation would have been magnitudes worse than if no actions were taken. You do understand that, right?

Prove it...... lets see if if the predicted numbers numbers don't turn out what they estimated they are right, if the numbers do turn out like they estimated they are right.
Do you understand that?

If Trump wouldn't have shut things down every death would have been blamed on him.. do you understand that?

Do you understand Sweden, Brazil and Belarus implemented no such policies?

Do you understand if anybody poo poo's the lockdown they are accused of endangering lives and being barbarians? do you understand that is a leftist tactic?

Do you understand the term "useful idiot"?

Do we lock down the country every time a new covid appears?

Do you realize many will die because of shut downs?

Do you realize hospitals are sitting empty?

Do you realize hospitals will require bail outs?

Do you realize this opens the door for single payer?

Do you realize the survival rate is 98%? and if they had real numbers it would probably be 99+%

Do you realize if they tested 100% of the population they would have REAL numbers to work with?

Do you realize global warming was based on experts models?

Do you realize this checks of almost every box of the lefts agenda?

Do you realize the worst of the left wing idiots are on board with the shutdown?

What do you realize?

You fuggin tool, accuse me of wanting people to die... go GFY

You’re foaming at the mouth again. You should see about that.

P.S. Learning how to operate heavy equipment in just one day, the plumbing trade in another. Classic Dunning /Kruger right there....

Hold up just a sec there Scotty. D/K my azz !

It’s called a steep learning curve.

The degree of my privacy is no business of yours.

What we've learned from history is that we haven't learned from it.