Honestly I believe your heart is in the right spot but it’s not that simple. Where do you draw the line? Heck we’ll likely lose more folks to drug overdoses and car accidents annually than Covid, likely fact. So for something that seems manageable we have decided to torpedo the economy and our next generations future. I’ve got tons of empathy for those families and individuals who have experienced death. But IMO we’ve carried things too far, it’s not even debatable.

We have a good family friend who at 35 is dying in the hospital from a rare pancreatic condition, docs won’t let any family in the hospital to visit this person. All because of Covid fears. It’s not rationale, sorry. If you are at risk, self quarantine, common sense. Nobody here is saying the old, sick or fat are deserving to die. But don’t compare this to someone who chooses to turn the lights out of a baby who hasn’t been born.

Much more to be said but I will leave it at that.