So, the fishermen are starving because they have no place to sell their catch? Right?

Where is the market for their catch? Restaurants?

So, are you too fugging stupid to understand the restaurants would be empty without any Governmental order? Or that lifting of those orders will not magically fill the restaurants?

Such are the consequences of natural disasters.

Now I admit to very little knowledge of circumstances in Big City America.

But around here the only businesses actually closed are dine in restaurants, oh and that Dutch Bros where they found several members of the wait staff had the Corona. But traffic on the roads is reduced to about 25% of normal and even the grocery stores are void of customers.

People have no interest in going into public venues. Even when forced into a grocery store or pharmacy, they stand far away from each other and try very hard to avoid contact with others.

People sure as hell are not eager to eat food in an open dining room, nor have a waiter handling their open plate or touching their water glass.

Dot Gov could very well lift all restrictions tomorrow, today even, but do not expect much impact on the economy any time soon. People have learned they can do without many frivolous expenditures.

What are we going to do? Start shooting people if they do not buy three restaurant meals each week?

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.