Originally Posted by Hastings
RemModel8 makes a pretty accurate observation if I understand what he was trying to put across to us. That 13% of the population (African origin blacks) couldn't create the problems they do without the sympathy and outright moral and political support of white liberals. White liberals that are standing in the way of any societal or legal pressure upon them to act civilized. As long as the black underclass has the white urban liberals skirt to hide behind it is going to be impossible to rein them in. If someone is sending you money and ratifying your behavior you are unlikely to change. The WULs use the underclass as a solid voting block and power base to further their own agendas which have a lot to do with gaining power away from the likes of us. I don't think RemModel8 was excusing blacks, just pointing out who was using them and for what purpose.

There are multiple people here who are correct in their own way. There are several things going on here. You have institutionalized exploitation of victim politics. The Left is in fact using the black population to get power. They also create a pall of guilt in the minds of liberal elitists. Many of those liberal elitists are part of the media, the entertainment industry and the education system. They create unwritten laws of political correctness in order to socially engineer the country. But black people bear responsibility as well. They have allowed themselves (GENERALLY SPEAKING), to be pigeon holed into this victim class. The Left and the politically correct sensitivity in the country has made people feel like they can demonstrate unacceptable criminal behavior. And people in positions of authority sometimes give these people a pass out of fear of being targets of assaination by accusation of racism. Bottom line is people should be responsible for their own decisions and actions. The Left may influence people but that doesn't mean people get a pass or should convince themselves they have the right to take out their anger on people who didn't assault them in any way.

"Hey jackass, get your government off my freedom."