Originally Posted by Salmonella
Originally Posted by 12344mag
I've always thought you were alright Sal, I've also always thought it to bad you were stuck where you are.

It's bad here.
I have a few extremey conservative, extremely avid hunting friends left here, but most have moved away.
I have a great home, job and family.
I'm still not ready to blow all of that up and move into a studio apartment in Idaho quite yet, but Im getting really tired.

Sal...I know thats all been hashed out here numerous times before...too bad you aren't a bit younger.

I escaped the east right out of college, got to Montana and instantly decided I'd shovel horse schitt for $2 an hour if thats what allowed me to stay here...

Theres living...and theres 'existing'..

"...the left considers you vermin, and they'll kill you given the chance..." Bristoe