Originally Posted by Barkoff
If liberals flocked to CA when it was conservative, and changed the politics, as they have done in NM, AZ, CO etc, why do we NEVER hear of conservatives doing the same to liberal states?

Because the number of liberals is growing much faster do to immigration and academia, better come to terms with it, cuz nothing is being done about either.
The Fed .gov along with big ag changed the complexion of the states you mention and that's where all the Dem voting comes from anywhere in the Southwest including Texas. You have a big native black bloc in the South along with transplanted Yankees who love the weather. Most of the problems in this country come from unlimited immigration, whether it be illegal or legal. Panty-waisted conservatives are as much to blame as anybody, feeling sorry for those who come from other countries and feeling that they should have a shot at the American dream. Well, they will and many of y'alls kids won't because they will. Another was cheap labor that the Republicans are always in favor of.

California Conservative...it's not just a name.