Originally Posted by renegade50
Like ta see her do a 12 miler. Full battle rattle, basic load for assigned wpn system, and a 96hr ruck.
Give her a fughing SAW, spare barrel and 1200 rds.
Here ya go bytch, your assigned bytch, miss hardcore.......
And execute sqd and platoon live fire manuver ranges after it.

Like ta see her take on a 200 pd man in a worm pit doing combatives training and take a couple punches in the face.
Never happen.......

All total PC schit across the board in all combat arms fields.
So fughing glad I retired in 08.

Hopefully if she ever gets assigned to a team they will be able to peer her out.
Seen plenty of SF types during my time show back up in Infantry land after they got peered outta several teams.
" Rehab transfers"
More like turds with eyes.
Most times it aint knowledge or physical ability related.
Usually moral character or trust related stuff.
Every branch has their weasels.........

Or they will let her get her line time and hopefully she will never see any deployments during that timeline, and just go to staff afterwards somewhere, anywhere....

Put her up in a Battalion S shop where she can do the least amount of damage like any other toliet bowl flush.....

I was on my SCO psd team. squadron commander (sco) anyhow they were mixture of 11B, 19D a mechanic, medic and me. They thought I was the biggest pog to land on 1-40 cav sqdn. So as a joke they gave me the para saw with extra barrel blah blah and I’m a SSG at the time. Hey I’m new guy I’m not saying chit, anyhow we are in ntc when this all went down. One day they wanted to do a movement on foot, OC’s were like cool. But all squad weapons will have the basic load oh yeah and you will take the 240B Fez was the 240 gunner full of piss and vinegar 11B. So basic load 240 800 rds if i remember right I have 3 drums in my assault pack drum on the 249. Then I think the basic load for the 240B was 1200 rds the AG carried the spare barrel and 1000rds. The 240 gunner lugged 200rds and he Jesus carried that 240B. So off we go, in full kit humping gd was it a hot day at ft Irwin in the middle of the desert. We get to our location where A troop was at. Man we all sat down the 11B kid fez said wtf were we thinking pouring sweat chugging water knowing we had to hump it back. Our CSM jumped in OC truck and split so our S3 SGM, SGM Million took control and directed us back. Point being it sucked big time ol
SGM Million had a smile on his face the whole time..

Last edited by 79S; 07/09/20.

Originally Posted by Bricktop
Then STFU. The rest of your statement is superflous bullshit with no real bearing on this discussion other than to massage your own ego.

Suckin' on my titties like you wanted me.