Originally Posted by David_Walter
It was to ask how many of the people here listing reasons why a woman couldn’t be a Ranger were or are actually Rangers. As in,
Speaking from first hand experience vs. spouting off on something they have no first hand knowledge of.

Thank God you retired before becoming a Brigadier General, if in fact that was even a possibility, the last thing America needs is a mixed up emotional male in the Armed Forces.

Lt. Kate Hultgren is a sad example of the failure to recognize the inequality of men and women in such combat and strategic exercises. In a failed attempt to put a woman in a jet fighter, she was killed and crashed a $40M jet that had she been a male, she would have washed out of the air corps 7 times before that fatal day.

Justify that to all the people that don’t fly jets. I don’t have to eat a bowl rancid chicken guts to know I won’t like the taste anymore than I have to be a Green Beret to know women aren’t a man’s equal in the physical demands of the armed forces.

Originally Posted by RJY66

I was thinking the other day how much I used to hate Bill Clinton. He was freaking George Washington compared to what they are now.