Explain this one to me, David Walter, our resident Sociologist, and Feminist advocate.

On Sept. 11 2001, 343 firefighters were killed in New York City. Most of them were climbing the stairs of the World Trade Center.

How many were females?

In a Lib city like New York, you know that even 19 years ago there were plenty of females on the Fire Department payroll. These gals were front and center on Payday, or when it was time to put on the pretty uniform and march in the St. Patrick's Day Parade.

But, when it was time to do the job, when it was time to put on 74 pounds of bunker gear and climb 101 flights of stairs, fighting through the smoke and the flames, with the idea they might have to go back down those stairs carrying a patient, the girls were not available for service.

I'm sure the New York firefighter girls looked pretty in their uniforms at all of those firefighter funerals.