Originally Posted by David_Walter
Just out of curiosity, how many of you guys went to Green Beret training, and passed, and are qualified to comment?

Or are you mostly like the kids who play HALO and think they are "Master Chief?"

My experience is most of the bitchers-and-moaners are the ones who:

1. Never were in the military but they know a guy who knows a guy who is a Delta Force, Green Beret Navy SEAL sniper and he says women cant make it.
2. Didn't try for the school because they are not qualified, so how can a woman be qualified?
3. Applied but didn't get selected (see above)
4. Dropped out or didn't pass the school (see above).

Someone who was a Green Beret, please start a list just so I can tell who's offering insight, and who's whining?

I did not apply, nor did I go, but I was USAF. I didn't go Para-rescue (I did pass the physical and PT test) or Combat Control, either.

I'd bet there is a 100% chance she earned it, and a 0% chance they lowered the standards.

I was just a lowlife light infantryman myself.

Belay man fugged me hard at dahlonega doing buddy repelling
(that means you have a guy on your back doing medevac stuff)
Belay man wasnt paying full attention, didnt brake me from the bottom soon enough on one of my bounds.
Lost some momentary grip tension with my brake hand .
They pair ya up buddy repelling with same size partner.
I was about 185ish with same size partner possum rigged on my back.

Into the rock face.....
Knee surgery...
No tab.
Never went back...

Witnessed 1st hand 24yrs of standards being lowered.
And not just for females.
Are you aware in the early to mid 90,s the army lowered standards for those under 27 on the PT test.
Due to studies showing they had between 10 to 20% less bone mass density or some schitt .

I could relate dozens of stories about standards being lowered and accomadations being made for #,s.

Dont even wanna talk about EO quota,s for promotion at DA level to E7 and above.

Oh ....
2 of my 3 daughters are officers in the Army.
One MI flying drones via sattelite uplink
The other a nurse.
Got her a med company command.
Married to a SF company commander in 10th group.

They both met when they was stationed at bragg.

He aint so bad being a Texan and all.


Last edited by renegade50; 07/10/20.