I suspect there also is some other things going on here too. Warren Buffet is a major owner of Pacificorp Power,most of western Oregon and mountain northern Calif. which has a lot of excess generating capacity through hydropower. In Calif power is controlled by Independent Systems Operator, an organization who controls the inter-ties from the various companies and they said they are coming up 4,400 megawatts short. So, they have to buy it at premium prices from somewhere. Enter Pacificorp who supplies my rural area, we were shut off in the heat of the afternoon the last 3 days. I suspect they are selling power to go south to the cities to ISO at the inconvenience of their own customers. I'm just speculating, but it is a hell of a coincidence.
And as a backstory, Pacificorp owns 4 old dams on the Klamath River, that have been generating clean power for over a hundred years, now the Enviro nuts and the Indians want them out as harmful to salmon. But, nobody wants to foot the bill for dam removal, so the Enviros and the Indians asked Warren Buffet for a loan to remove his own dams. The salmon runs have survived the dams for over a hundred years, so it's not really about the fish...it's about the money, 446 million last estimate, that would be a nice little contract for a minority owned construction company.

Well this is a fine pickle we're in, should'a listened to Joe McCarthy and George Orwell I guess.