No problem Cash, just tired of the BS misinformed folks who think California is a communist shi$hole not worth a lick, along with the folks that live here. The more they repead the lies, the more folks decide their views are correct.

And yes, I am stuck here as a 4th generation farmer, all my family is close by, watched the grandson drive a harvester last night feeding the Chardonnay tanker headed to Gallo's fermentation facility, and enjoying life. I would have to be surrounded by communists before I'd move of my own accord, and even then I'd have to think long and hard before moving. Some folks know how to adapt, others just fold. Like Aaron Lewis says, "That ain't me"

Politics, politicians and taxes/ laws EVERYWHERE is a shi$show we no longer have any say in, I am not tossing in the towel, but anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves.

Look what happened to the police chief in Wa, an example of BLM eating their own.They, like most demonrats, are self imploding idiots. Interviews with white folks in the BLM protests shows me they are the me-too idiots who follow a narrative spread about by the communist think tank. If this ends with a country-wide civil unrest, yall might be embarrased to be fighting along with ANY conservative who stands with you, regardless of where they live.

The heat and situation of a first harvest allowed my fingers to think some here might accept California isn't a total loss, but the results were as usual- a waste of energy. ( LOL)