A little bit of info to look at and draw your own conclusions. Take a look at the prices some of those folks are paying. I don't think there are very many coal plants in CA, if any, so with a system demand of 42,000 MWs but only 13,000 MWs of renewables, how is the sun and wind doing. I am in favor of clean air, i think we all are, but the foundation to build a massive electrical grid powered by nothing but renewables is not anywhere close to being ready. How many millions (billions) have they spent on renewables and what percentage of load is it providing? How much more will it take to power the grid all 24 hours in a day, it can not power the grid during daylight hours, what are you going to do at night?



For those that say we have plenty of coal plants, when i look out my window i see two trains a day pass by...…


