Originally Posted by RJM
"I’d start with the guy who said, “Oh yeah, you dare disagree with ME? Do you even teach, bro?” Especially when his actual qualifications to ask the question are that he helped with some club classes on the weekends. Those two guys should’ve been ashamed to even post in here again."

...well in thinking about this for the day, I find you perfectly correct...and my sincere apologies if I offended you.

But as they say...color me gone...Bob

You know what they say. Those that can’t do, teach.
I don’t think this applies to firearms. I’ve learned a lot over the years going to courses.

In 1984 I took a safety course with my wife. The instructor was a cop and he was all over the virtues of the double action revolver. He discouraged anyone from bringing a semi auto to the live fire portion of the class.

Times have changed! My last firearms class in 2019 had one student that brought a revolver. That was me. I have a SA that I carry in my hunting vehicle as a concealed weapon.
My normal concealed guns are semi autos. The instructor became more comfortable When I used these as well during the live fire portion of the class.
He offered no instruction whatsoever about proper revolver use other than saying be safe.