Originally Posted by SargeMO
police recruits are generally 20 to 35 years old oh, don't have arthritis yet and our suffering the long-term effects of carpal tunnel syndrome Etc. They are generally plenty strong enough to work the slide of an automatic without pointing at toward their elbow or side or someone standing alongside them. and of course you have them for 6 to 8 months were you can correct them or send their ass down the road.

Some of us were actually around training those recruits with revolvers and through the transition to semi-automatic pistols. That group will generally do fine with whatever you train them on and yes, much of the new generation have never held a pistol before the academy.

Training private CCW folks is another matter. Lots of them are well into their golden years and they're not going to put in the time or effort to become class a action shooters with a semi-auto. many of them have already purchased a revolver before the training begins Many of those folks are in fact better served by the Simplicity and ease of operation of a double action revolver.

I realize a lot of what goes on here is Hive think and trying to aggravate people out of your tree house. and right here is the only place where it changes anything and most of that in people's imagination.

Can't rack a slide but have no trouble with the heavy double action trigger pull with their arthritis?

Miracles never cease

I got banned on another web site for a debate that happened on this site. That's a first