Originally Posted by Bristoe
Originally Posted by Beaver10
Thought Kentucky was devoid of problems from the Black peeps? Isn’t that why you moved there? Louisville looking like Portland.

You better get your 22 LR downtown and stand guard or be ridiculed for not doing anything.

See how this works?


Every state has schitty cities. But the Pacific Coast is nutjob central for the entire North American continent.

Bris, Thanks.

That’s been the point of many who still live in the NW. We don’t control the cities any more than you control Louisville. Actually, these cities aren’t even our cities.

We all live in Redneckville and watch, shake our heads, and clap when the Feds kick ass on these dipshîts.

A few, like you, make it seem that we are part of this problem, as if our small vote numbers should off-set the dense population votes in the city and suburbs in the inner city.

Aside from moving out of the State, which is a possibility that’s being explored with trips made and more planned in the future. We have boo-koo investments here, and a small business.

Can’t just hit your EZ Button and pull up stakes like you suggest.

I’m sure you, like me, would make a reasonable defense of your property and life if the asshats decided to try and take on your neighborhood.



I like your pump rifle. You got enough ammo? 😬

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”