Originally Posted by PaulBarnard
Originally Posted by Beaver10

Pick a country or continent where blacks as leaders have made it a economic powerhouse. Have equality for its people, or a community where they all thrive under black rule. You can’t, because there isn’t such an example.



Why is economic prowess a measure? In many ways I respect the simple life they live in places that I wish this country was more like. When we have burned through all of our natural resources, guess which countries will be holding the economic cards?

Because blacks and BLM believe they can break a system and then make it better. You ever seen a smashed vase glued back together look new or better?

Breaking anything doesn’t equate to better. Breaking shít is easy. It’s building that is difficult and requires many things that you never have witnessed being accomplished where blacks are in control.

You want to have a bone in your nose, shît in the brush, and carry a spear. Have at it, sans your spandex.😬


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”