Originally Posted by PaulBarnard
And the day will come that Sub-Saharan Africa will have the last of the world's oil and gas. Who will have the best economy then?

Regardless of how many zebras they have for White men to hunt, I prefer to live in a country where less than a 1/4 of the population is HIV+.

As for the oil, if you see a path for sub-Saharan Africa to develop into a world leading economy you are dimmer than I initially suspected. What oil they have will be sucked out from under them and they'll be no better off in the long term for it, like always.

Which is just, because we are the ones who give that oil value. It never occurred to them put it to any useful purpose. You can pretend that is out of some obligation to nature, but it isn't, it is just a lack of ambition and intellect.