Originally Posted by Gus
the whole vaccine discussion is on-going whether it be for animals or various humans.

my cat just got her rabies shot. law requires one per year; the vaccine is suppose to be good for 3 years. what good is that?

i've been thinking about the flu shot, and how the flu can beat the hell out of some people, even send them 6 feet under on ocassion.

i'm going to run by the possibility with my doctor for two flu shots spaced out about 6 weeks apart. if she agrees i'll go get a follow up shot.

i don't know if i should shop for a different brand for the second shot, or just use the same as the first and accept it as a type, or kind of reinforcement.


Our office used to give out thousands of rabies vaccines. Since I left that career, I read the research.
The developer of the same vaccine said that ONE shot is all the dog should need for lifetime immunity. I'm still not certain that it works at all, but if the man who has the most to gain by their use says this, it makes me wonder why they insist on a 3 year "booster?"

I'm not going to tell you what to do, but you have the right to know what ingredients go into the injection. You also should be informed of scams. Friends don't want friends to get scammed. That's the only reason I'm sharing my discoveries with this forum. I know that I would want my neighbor to tell me if a stranger was planning to do something that would put me at risk.

Did you know that the influenza shot batch developed for this year isn't even the same influenza strain that is in the environment?

Best regards,


Last edited by Happy_Camper; 09/30/20.