Originally Posted by dale06
I had a good friend, a stunningly beautiful 45 year old woman. I worked with her husband. She belonged to some wacko religion that wouldn’t allow her to take cancer treatments. She died at 45 from a very treatable cancer, leaving two teenagers and a husband.
Some of the conversation above reminds me of her. No it’s not exactly one for one.
I’ll get a flu shot later this week. My medical doctor recommends it. Do I know what’s in the shot, hell no. Will I ask, no, because that would be meaningless information to me. I’ve had a number of minor medical treatments, polio shots, measles and shingles shots, and I have no clue what was in any of them, don’t care and as far as I know, I’m very healthy. If you want to avoid medical treatment, have at it.

Excuse me dale, but how did this go from pro/cons of flu vaccines to "wacko religions" and cancer treatments?

In case you don't know, I am a Christian that holds to the Bible as my written source of authority as the Word if God. I follow no pope, nor religious leader of cultish authority beyond God's written Word. This has been orthodox Biblical Christianity for 2 thousand years.
Now I hear guys that could care less about what stranger pumps into their veins because of a profound blind trust. That object of trust has become idolatry for many Americans. Their false gods are physicians, and "science" falsely so called....which is what we are warned about in Paul's letter to Timothy.

Take whatever measures you want for health.
You have been provided a number of resources in my links posted above if you change your mind and wish to know what is in the shots.