Got my flu shot at the local pharmacy on the way home from work last night.

So, does someone get an adverse reaction from a medication once in a while? Sure.

But you have to look at the real statistics. How many illnesses has the vaccine prevented. How many lost work days has it saved? How many actual deaths were prevented vs how many adverse affects.

If 10,000,000 lives are saved by a vaccine, vs 1 or 2 people suffering adverse effects, that 1 or 2 injuries could destroy the pharma manufacturer. That is why the industry is protected. The industry is good for the herd.

Never mind that the herd desperately needs a good culling. None of us wants our own to be among the culled.

So yes, vaccines are kind of like seat belts. The stats all prove that seat belts save lives. That does not keep me from driving down the hiway without one, and feeling good about "sticking it to the man".

But after three bouts of pneumonia and four cases of bronchitis in fifteen years, I am at a lot more risk from a viral infection than I am a car accident.

That still does not make me any smarter than the virus denier when I stomp on tthe gas pedal before buckling up.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.