Originally Posted by Gus
to throw a bit of bone and gristle into the discussion, i would believe that a purely natural food source, and allowing diseases to fully run their course might have a positive effect on humans?

that is, we made it into WW2 w/o penicillin. if i had been shot back then, i'd have asked for it if available.

pneumonia was often times called the old man's deliverer.

would humans be better off without medicine?

what about me as an individual human?

is what's best for individuals the same as best for the human races?

do witch doctors, medicine men, shamans and others really have a role to play?

Shaman, good for the individual vs good for the species?

That was the point of my earlier comment re culling. There is obviously no entity guiding the direction of the human breeding program. If there was, half the human population would have been sterilized at birth.

Without what passed for modern Western Medicine in 1956 through 1965, I would have been dead three times before age ten. I probably would have also had Tetenus half a dozen times in my life, living in the presence of horses all these years.

Modern medicine has been a gift to me and mine. But there is no doubt that the human species was much stronger 100 years ago. The Earth and the species would both be better off without things that promote population growth.

But who wants to be the one to volunteer for elimination?

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.