I have no idea of the medical explanation for masks (pro or con), but have been traveling a lot since the virus hit and have a few observations. First, a lot of people aren't wearing masks in a way that will stop the aerosol effect of sneezing, etc. Whether it's a guy (or chick, in CA) with a beard or the mask not fitting right or even just the little gaps around the nose and mouth when you wear one, things are going to sneak out. Second, things like having to wear a mask when you walk into a restaurant but not when you're eating pretty much obviates any benefit masks may have. Third, just as a matter of common sense, viruses are very small and the weave of a typical mask people wear just can't really stop the viruses from getting through.

I wear a mask when I have to, particularly when I fly, and I've seen people do all of the above in one of the worst environments possible for a virus spread (an aircraft). If I've had the virus, it wasn't a big deal. I've had a few colds since about January 2020 and for all I know, it was the virus. There are things I'm much more concerned about, like BLM riots.

Eliminate qualified immunity and you'll eliminate cops who act like they are above the law.