Originally Posted by wvshooter

Once again the masks can not prevent the microbes from spreading in itself, but they limit the distance the water vapor droplets that carry them can travel, thus slowing the spread.

What ya got my friend!

That's the problem that people think about the airborne spread being carried by "droplets". The vast majority of the water from breathing is in a vapor form which goes all around any opening between the fit of mask and our face. There is not concrete proof that mask work. A lot of people that are knowledgeable on viruses and their transmission do not advocate masks use. What about the constant touching of the masks and face of the wearer? ……… that in and of itself is an infection risk. [/quote]

Concrete proof?

So are you suggesting that a simple mask would not limit the distance a sneeze or cough could travel?

And good hand washing protocols to go along with this.
