Originally Posted by hunter4623
I think everyone is responsible for their own health. Masks don’t do anything but give a false sense of well being to the gullible. Putting a mask on doesn’t do anything if I’m coughing and sneezing into my hands and touching doors, etc in the store. This is the first time I history we’ve quarantined healthy people. It’s simply government overreach. If you’re scared of catching a bug, stay home. Order your groceries and have them delivered. Let those of us that aren’t scared, go live life. Stay in your bubble and disinfect as you please. The people that feel they’re at risk can do as they please within the confines of their home. All the government is doing, is putting things in place that will ultimately Cause the weakening of our immune systems. I haven’t heard one person in government make any recommendations to help people improve their immune systems. Simple things like taking vitamins, exercising, eating properly and going outside to get some fresh air and sunlight. If you’re a big enough sucker to believe that Wearing masks and limiting freedoms will make this go away....well there’s no sense in having a discussion because you’re a retard.

You can't effectively argue that masks do not limit droplet travel, and your door knob explanation can be mitigated by hand cleaning frequently!

Have we ever had this level of deaths in the last say 50 plus years?

What would the benefit be to not trying to do what we each could?