Originally Posted by wvshooter

"...Once again the masks can not prevent the microbes from spreading in itself, but they limit the distance the water vapor droplets that carry them can travel, thus slowing the spread.

What ya got my friend!..."

That's the problem that people think about the airborne spread being carried by "droplets". The vast majority of the water from breathing is in a vapor form which goes all around any opening between the fit of mask and our face. There is not concrete proof that mask work. A lot of people that are knowledgeable on viruses and their transmission do not advocate masks use. What about the constant touching of the masks and face of the wearer? ……… that in and of itself is an infection risk.

See this is the thing. Isro thinks he's being clever by redirecting the mask/no mask argument towards the notion that "they limit sneezes", claiming that it's rock-solid obvious that they limit sneezes. And anyone who disagrees with mask wearing are obviously disagreeing with his "rock-solid obvious truth" that they limit sneezes. The Straw Man.

He also shows something here... "slowing the spread". This is the goal. The attempt to stretch this out as long as possible. Perhaps indefinitely. Claiming to "slow the spread" and "flatten the curve" can continue on forever. No real evidence needs to be shown, just the continued harping of "experts", and browbeating anyone who disagrees with these "experts". Masks may or may not have any effect whatsoever, but it doesn't matter, as long as you claim that they "slow the spread".