Originally Posted by battue
OK, they wrote about digital ID, but wanted me to join to get the inside info.. Didn’t join, however am aware of the concept..Like at work, I have digital ID to obtain access to the narcotic supply..Those that don’t have it can’t open the various drawers.

Have read about it with regard patient info. I.E. someone has an accident and the EMS people need to know the persons blood type to start a life saving transfusion..It tells them and they start the right one on the way to the hospital..Or the patient is unconscious, and can’t tell them about any drug interactions they may have..
Medications they may be on that would adversely interact with something they may give or would alter the dosage that should be given..Life saving info available on an instant basis..

Now, admit currently we are not even close to implementation, because I am aware of the current adverse issues that can occur when humans input information. So for now, we are far from being even close, but definitely something to give consideration to..

I understand the numerical or picture IDs.
This goes beyond that.
Did you go to both sites?
I gave you a link to the patent #060606.

Then I refered to the Gates ID2020.org
It has the term used for the technology prophesied in Revelation chapters 13 and 14.