I executed my first will at 18, at the same time my folks were updating theirs. I've updated mine several times over the years.

I finally got KYHillChick to get her things in order when she got the cancer.

Mom and Dad had everything ironed out since I was a wee one. They kept theirs up to date. There were only two stumbling blocks:

1) Dad had a drawer full of Life Insurance policies-- some that had not been active since Eisenhower's first term. He'd build a building and then take out a term policy to pay off the property in case he croaked. I had to go through each one and figure out which were still active.
2) Dad had a second safety deposit box that wasn't covered in the original processing of the estate. The bank mentioned it to me one day when I up taking care of other business. Yikes! It had was one of the big ones, and it had been given to him free upon opening an account. It was never transferred to Mom. It took lots of loot and 3 months to get into the box. The result? A pile of negatives of all my baby pictures.

Genesis 9:2-4 Ministries Lighthearted Confessions of a Cervid Serial Killer