Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Originally Posted by goalie

Hey, everyone needs to do the risk-reward math for themselves.

I just have a HUGE issue with them pushing this shiit on kids, who are at VERY low risk from covid-19.

It begs the question though: do you actually understand that covid-19 is a virus like the common cold, and there's no way it's going away????

First, the common cold is not "a virus". It is a multitude of different viruses, each with similar symptoms upon infection. A vaccine would have to be developed against each separate virus.

Many, many viruses have been nearly or completely eliminated across the developed world by vaccination.

Even though it is widely recognized that the Covid has mutated into several varieties. Each of those varieties still has the S spike protein which is targeted by the most popular Covid vaccines.

The more the Covid disease is allowed to spread and propagate within the population, the more likely that further mutations will occur. The only way to stop mutations of the virus, is to stop transmission and replication of the virus.

The vaccines are well proven to stop transmission, in 95% of recipients.

Covid-19 is a coronavirus, the same type as the common cold.

You are not getting rid of it, and people need to realize that and go on with life, not cower in fear while getting "booster" immunization shots every few months.