Originally Posted by Crow hunter
Originally Posted by ironbender

And that’s why, like all health care decision, whether or not to receive the ronavax should remain a personal decision.

Yep. Take the vaccine or don't take it, I don't care. Read sources you trust and make your own choice of whether you want it or not. The ones wearing thin are the zealots on both sides who are spouting BS repeatedly. One particularly annoying tactic of the left is that "you're selfish if you don't take the vaccine" or those not vaccinated are somehow endangering others and need to be locked out of society. That's garbage, if you're afraid of Covid then get vaccinated, live in a bubble, or both, it's not someone else's responsibility to protect your health. The idea of a vaccine passport needs to be squashed right now or it's going to get a foothold and leftists are going to demand compliance documents for all their pet issues, not just this vaccine.

Originally Posted by Dillonbuck

Both sides have the same ideological zeal.
Closed minded, entrenched, no way they could possibly be slightly wrong.

Yep. There's more than ample stupidity going around on both sides of this issue and they all seem to think if they should enough made up pseudoscience loud enough then everybody will magically fall in line.

Well, considering that the CDC lied about masks because they were worried about being caught without enough for health care workers, and that CDC and local .gov officials have implemented ridiculous measures to "fight" covid (WalMart is safe, but not church etc...) is it surprising that there is a lack of trust?

Then add in the billions of dollars in fines paid by the companies making vaccines for falsifying trial data in the past.

Pretty soon, people start getting paranoid.

In the end, the main reason to avoid getting one of these vaccines isn't because there's any data that shows they are dangerous, but because there isn't any data showing that they're safe.

mRNA tech isn't new, and there are reasons why it isn't in widespread use. It may very well be effective at reducing severity of symptoms and transmission rates, but it may also create long-term immune system issues.

With the treatments we have, and data we have, IMO, the idea of injecting anyone under 50 that isn't high risk seems very suspect.