Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Originally Posted by goalie
Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
I am not worried about it. But some people keep bringing up that number as if it were significant.

And you keep acting as if there isn't a history of failed mRNA trials and a lack of statistically significant data regarding these vaccines and potential long term issues.

Not at all.

I only said that immediate risk from the virus outweighs the possibility of risk incurred by the vaccine at some future date, for SOME people.

I can not think of a any person I have singled out and attempted to convince THAT PERSON to take the vaccine. I have not even attempted to convince my own wife that she should get it.

I have enumerated the reasons that I did get it.

The more I read your posts you seem to be looking for validation that you’ve done the right thing getting vaccinated ,and the more campfire members that tell you the reasons their not getting it the more obnoxious you get.......