Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Each of us is about forty times as likely to die in an auto accident in the next year as we are to die from getting a Covid Vax.


Interesting comparative data:
33,244 highway deaths in 2019
42,060 highway deaths in 2020

or about 11 deaths per 100,000 people(depending on year). So of 110,000,000 so far vaccinated for the Covid, we can expect to see 12,100 of them to die in auto accidents in the next year.

Just to put that 3500 deaths from the vaccine into perspective.

What's hilarious bout you, is you don't even realize how fckin stupid you are.

The fakeccine's only been widely available for 4 months.

Even if someone's dumb enough ta believe the official fakeccine deaths, when ya multiply em for the additional 3 quarters, guess what?

Then, take into consideration that anybody stupid enough ta take the fakeccine is certain ta drive like shat (guaranteed they're goin 55 in the left lane on a ISHW), the combination is especially deadly.

Which is natural selection, at work.